The LIP attended the first of three UOW Masterclasses on Saturday 1 April, presented by Associate Professor Michael Mehmet on Marketing. Michael is an expert in Marketing, Digital Communication and Digital Research and took the LIP through a fast-paced overview of marketing. We covered marketing basics, marketing’s role in an organisation, customer value, strategic planning through to top trends in marketing: social media; video; influencer, personalisation and the hot right now topic of artificial intelligence (AI) and its uses in marketing. Acknowledging the future of marketing will increasingly involve more AI and automation, the LIP worked through a number of group exercises centred around market segmentation, positioning, branding and utilised AI to create and refine a marketing communication strategy. Participants enjoyed Michael's engaging and entertaining delivery style, and the masterclass format that supported networking and knowledge sharing. They said it was a great opportunity to learn more about artificial intelligence for marketing, brand voice and customer value - all in under six hours. The LIP were encouraged to try out the latest AI tools on offer after the Masterclass like Copilot, Jasper AI, and QuillBot AI to explore AI further and apply to their own organisation’s product or service.
AuthorBlog posts written by the Leadership Illawarra Program. Archives
December 2023
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